Setting Goals Using S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Where are you right now? Where do you want to go? These are questions you ask yourself everyday when setting goals. For example, I’m at home, but I want to go workout. I just set a goal for myself. Now, let’s make it a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

 S = Specific. I am home and I want to go workout.

M = Measurable. When I complete my workout, I can measure that fact it is complete.

A = Attainable. Getting to the workout facility is something that I can do.

R = Realistic. I know how to workout and I am able to get to the facility.

T = Timely. This is missing component in my goal. I should have said I want to be at the facility by 10AM.

(I would love to take credit for S.M.A.R.T. goals, but I can’t. Check out Dave Magrogan’s book “Do It Rhino Style”)

Now that we know how to write our goals, let’s talk about Objective goals and Behavioral goals. Objective goals are outcomes we wish to attain, like “I will lose 50 pounds by end of this year, or I will go to workout by 10 AM tomorrow. Objective goals are generally long term goals. Behavioral goals are behaviors. Because they are behaviors, they are generally short-term goals.

To set yourself up for success (i.e. attaining a goal) pick an objective goal (long term) and then decide what behaviors you need to achieve your goal!


I will to run 5 straight miles by August 31  (note the SMART goal)

I will go to bed by 11 PM on Monday and Wednesday.I will wake up at 6 AM on Tuesday and Thursday to run.
I will run 2 miles each time the first week of August.
I will run 3 miles each time the second week of August.
I will run 4 miles each time the third week of August.
I will run 4.5 miles on the last Tuesday of August.I will run 5 miles on August 31, 2014.

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