Germ Apocalypse, Gearing Up It – (My Fitness Journey – Vertex Fitness Diary 22)
This weekend was a challenge. First, my husband got sick. Then my foster cat got sick. And then she gave birth to three kittens. And then those kittens started sneezing.I feel like I am living in a germ apocalypse
I was so prepared for a relaxed weekend–we had no plans, and nowhere to go. It was going to be movies and snacks all weekend. There were still movies and snacks, but lots more vomiting and meowing than previously anticipated. Our house was like a war zone–I started leaving hand sanitizer on every surface and carrying the Clorox wipes with me to mop up every time I got sneezed on. At one point, I had to drag mama cat and kittens to the vet, so I just threw a blanket over my husband and told him to try not to die until I got home.
I think I now understand what field nurses felt in the middle of the Civil War. I was just trying to patch everyone up long enough to jump back into battle against germs and filth, while trying not to get sniped by an errant sneeze. My husband was still feeling sick enough on Tuesday that he had to miss his workout, but I was still able to soldier through mine. I was feeling a bit worn down and tired after battle, so I figured I should double down on the germ prevention, pretty confident that I could avoid getting sick through sheer force of will.
The kitty quarantine was going pretty well, I had managed to keep my own cats from getting sick with the foster cat’s cold by sanitizing my hands, bleaching everything that came in or out of the foster’s room, and changing my clothes after handling and cleaning up after them. Everything was going so well, until two days ago. Little foster kitty, curious to meet the cat she could smell on the other side of the door, darted out between my legs when I went in for a visit and a cuddle. My own cat was of course sitting right there, and before I could grab her, they started sniffing each other–and she sneezed directly into his face. Because of course she did.
Yesterday, my cat started sneezing. Today, I woke up with a sore throat and cough. Tomorrow, I give up on nursing and walk into the ocean. At least until Dwayne gets back from the IHRSA conference and it’s time for next week’s workout.
“Gearing Up for the Germ Apocalypse” was written for Vertex Fitness Personal Training Studio by Nicole Hallberg
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