Transformation is a Journey
I am sharing the first of a series of entries about my transformation and the power of physical fitness in my personal journey towards achieving a happy, healthy lifestyle and state of mind. Life as a single mother and entrepreneur has left little time for self care. This summer I finally made ME a priority so I can achieve my lifetime goals to be strong in all aspects of my personal and professional life. I have had the great fortune of working with the Main Line’s leading professionals in mental health, cosmetic dentistry, Chinese medicine, nutrition, fashion – of course every woman needs a little flair in her wardrobe, and now physical wellness with Dwayne Wimmer of Vertex Fitness.
As per a recent post by Dwayne, skinny does not mean healthy or physically fit. In fact, in my case it meant the contrary. Thanks to the support of a close friend, I sought the help of Dwayne Wimmer to help me on my road to being physically strong. This was not an easy decision. Like many women I struggle with feelings of body dysmorphia and staying thin was what I thought was attractive. This is not true. While it may be a cliche, beauty is beyond skin deep. I have recently made my mental health a priority by working to manage my stress from the inside, out. At the “mid-life” age of 46 achieving my transformation requires physical training that is safe, effective, and let’s add some fun along the way.
Dwayne has started this transformation and goal for physical wellness by introducing me to what is called resistance training or High Intensity Training, HIT. Many people find the latest trends and boutique fitness clubs a place for community support, aerobic workouts, and hopefully some fitness programs from which they don’t injure themselves. I personally don’t have the time for such a menu of fitness options which is why Vertex is for me. I have started a program of three 30-minute intense trainings closely monitored by Dwayne to ensure proper form, engaging muscles and safely achieving the strength I need physically and mentally. Dwayne’s close attention to every part of my trainings has exceeded my expectations. In one month I have visible results from his guidance on the most advanced fitness machines available in our community. Dwayne is constantly checking my form to ensure I am not simply pushing weights but instead truly engaging the targeted muscle designed to strengthen from each of his machines.
The transformation thus far is astounding and rewarding both physically and mentally. I am more confident about how I look and while I am building muscle, I am maintaining my personal desire to look feminine with the development of specific muscles. I finish my trainings with an amazing endorphin rush and serotonin release that contributes to my mental wellness and this too is a major goal for my overall health.
I am grateful for this transformation and new journey I am entrusting to Dwayne and his other expert trainers at Vertex Fitness and I am eager to share with others the mission of Dwayne’s vision to offer safe workouts with his award-winning resistance training to achieve the physical and mental wellness that will help to ensure a happy life for me, my children and the work I offer to support my clients in their own goals for communicating their expertise, branding and missions. Stay tuned for more as this journey towards transforming my life is in its infancy and I am thankful to have Dwayne and Vertex Fitness help me along my path. To share the proverbial quote, “it takes a village,” and I’m fortunate to have Dwayne on my team.
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