Keeping the Family Strong and Healthy – Laurel O’Connor, Vertex Fitness Client Spotlight
Laurel O’Connor was impressed. Her husband and son were training at Vertex and they were doing what she thought wasn’t possible: They were working super-intensely, but they weren’t getting hurt, they were getting stronger!
Laurel has always been an active person. She would regularly swim and run, or do yoga to maintain the level of fitness necessary to chase after three sons and one husband! After witnessing the progress her son and husband made, she determined that going to Vertex for a more guided approach to strength training would add consistency to her fitness regimen and counteract the age-related twinges she was starting to feel.
After a year of twice-weekly workouts, she has seen a difference. Her muscle tone has greatly improved (leading to better fitting clothes). More importantly, she is stronger going about her usual daily activities and her other fitness activities feel better, too.
“Regular exercise gives me more energy to get through each day’s endless whirlwind and is vital to me maintaining a positive mental outlook. Overall, my experience at Vertex has been very positive! I am looking forward to my next workout!”
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