Proving Age Is But A Number

What is holding you back from taking some time out of your day to train? Do you think you can’t work around injury or do you think you can’t because of your age? Dean Burget doesn’t make excuses, “Age Is But A Number”. At 80 years old, he puts everything out on the table every single week here at Vertex. He is currently a plastic surgeon and has run a weight loss clinic in the past. As a doctor, he understands the benefits that stem from weight training and will be the first to say how it has saved his life

Dean first began training at Vertex in 2005. Since that time, he has seen increases in his strength and the positive effect on it has on his everyday life. “My sense of physical well-being has never been better since my youth.  My blood lipid profile is that of a 25 year old.  In addition, my need for a drug to lower my blood sugar is no longer needed and that is normal as well.”

Dr. Doug McGuff and his book “Body by Science“, is one of the leading educators of high intensity training. As a fellow physician, Dean has stayed up to date with his information and knows the benefits his health will get from continuing this training protocol. Dean Burget Row

Click here to visit Dean’s motivational testimonial of how he turned his life around with training here at Vertex.

Dean Burget Leg Press

Dean Burget, Avenger Leg Press


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