I initially started to workout at Vertex to build strength and to just get back into a healthy life style as my late 50’s started to talk to me. I have always had a case of gym intimidation but I found Vertex to be non threatening and I was encouraged by the supportive and understanding staff. However, a month or so into the program, and unrelated to the workouts, I learned I had to have a quadruple by-pass operation which was not exactly what I had planned. After several months of rehab and restricted lifting (nothing heavier than a gallon of milk) I was able to start back at Vertex. They understood my situation and worked me back with a gradual program to take me beyond “recovery”. I have a ten inch scar to remind me to pass on the buttered popcorn and French fries but I feel stronger, with more energy now then I did before the surgery. I’ve been with Vertex since February 2007 and consider it not only a means of getting strong but its improved my quality of life and now I consider it a part of my ongoing “health care” plan.
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