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Posts tagged with: fitness

Understanding Your Why A question we all can ask ourselves on a daily basis is “why do I participate in x, y, z activity?” This is an important question to understand and think about daily. The answer is the basis...
Spotlight – Dr. Jessica Dine, Reaps the Benefits of Strength Training Dr. Jessica Dine is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania...
From Cajun Country to Philadelphia’s “Main Line”; changing my life for a Personal Training Opportunity – Joshua Guillory My name is Joshua Guillory. I was born and raised in South Louisiana, specifically the small town of Youngsville right outside of...
Frozen Yogurt – 4 Myths You may feel virtuous ordering a creamy white swirl of frozen yogurt from any one of the “real” yogurt shops popping up across the country—frozen yogurt has become a 2 billion dollar industry, but what...
Beat the Heat Before It Beats You It’s summertime and you head out for a run. Before you even finish the first mile, your body feels as though it might ignite from the heat. It’s not your imagination. Fifteen minutes...
Summer Strength Summertime is here (did we even have a spring?)! Summer is such a great time. I look forward to working out in the yard, taking the kids to the pool and seeing all of our friends out and...
Muscle and Function: The Triceps On the back of the arm is the Triceps Brachii muscle group. The group is comprised of three muscles that have separate origins and a common insertion. The Long Head of the triceps originates in...
The Hip Extension Possibly the second most reviled machine in the studio is the Hip Extension (#1-Leg Press). Without question, it is the hardest machine to teach and the hardest to learn proper form. The belt is the reason the...
Flexion and Extension Flexion and Extension – When describing an anatomical movement, flexion is the closing of the angle between two segments of the body. For example, when you bring your hand from your side up to the shoulder, you...
5 Ways to Avoid Winter Weight Gain As the days get colder and the sunsets earlier, you may suddenly find you’ve become a homebody. Suddenly that small waistline you worked so hard to maintain in summer starts to expand. Your...