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Posts filed under: Vertex Fitness Related Questions

How Do You Maintain Your Personal Fitness Routine While Traveling for the Holidays? Everybody worries about their diet going haywire when they travel home for the holidays, but what about your fitness routine? If you neglect your fitness routine while...
The Leg Press The Leg Press is the exercise most responsible for the famed Vertex Shuffle. But despite its reputation, it is one of the most productive exercises in the studio. The Leg Press is an exercise that works the muscles...
Sorry for the Inconvenience We are sorry for the inconvenience.  Many of you know  that when we are not training clients or out networking to get new ones, we have many other duties that help us further our business. One...
Give Your Goals a Chance and Treat Yourself to Personal Training We all know what the studio is like this time of year, and we know what the studio will be like in a few short weeks. Also, we know...
We Want You! We Want You! This past Tuesday was Election Day. Voting is both and honor and a privilege that many people in this world do not enjoy. Always remember the many people who stood up for our rights...
My Vertex Fitness Experience It’s only been a few weeks since I jumped off life’s all too real ledge quitting my job and changing career paths altogether, throwing myself into a whirlwind of both terrifying and electrifying experiences. Dwayne and...
So You Signed Up for a 5k…Now What? Signing up for a race, Fun Run, or charity walk can be a great supplemental activity to add to your current exercise program.  The Philadelphia region offers a wide variety of 5k’s,...
Why You Cannot Do Personal Training in a Vacuum Part 2: Client’s Perspective In my last post, I wrote about personal training and it’s similarities to refereeing fencing. Wait, what does refereeing a sport that most people are unfamiliar with...
Why You Cannot Do Personal Training in a Vacuum Part 1: The Trainer’s Perspective It you want to to get into personal training?  You need to work outside the bubble. I’ve been working as a personal trainer at Vertex Fitness...
High Intensity Training Interview of Dwayne Wimmer by Dave Durell of High Intensity Nation I have to thank Dave Durell for taking the time to interview me on the topic of High Intensity Training for his web site High Intensity Nation.  Dave...